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Successful ERP Software implementations should be measured on business improvement

iStock_000017525097MediumSuccessful ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or business management software implementations are not about software or technology. At the end of the day the software is only an enabler. The real measure of success is business improvement. I often speak to companies who are proud of implementing the latest version of ERP software but forget to do a real analysis of the intended (and actual business improvement) outcomes.

ERP software and any other related technology is an enabler – a vehicle for change. What we want at the end of the day is improved business outcomes. Let’s consider a few key measurement criteria when implementing ERP solutions:

We have looked at three simple examples of ERP solutions providing the tools for business improvement. Whichever ERP solution you are implementing or have already implemented make sure you consider the real business benefits. New technology should be implemented as an enabler to positive change.

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